Monday, January 4, 2010

World Wisdom: Heating & Cooling

Here are some tips to make sure that you are saving money and energy when it comes to your house's heating and cooling.

- If your furnace/AC are more than 10 years old, consider replacing them for much more efficient models.
- Make sure that any exposed ductwork is sealed. If it isn't, this can be a pretty easy DIY project; just make sure you get appropriate sealant (your local hardware store can help).
- Consider sealing the space between foundation and cladding.
- Windows can be a major source of leaks. Replace old windows if you can. Use plastic if you can't. You can also use thermal curtains and caulk around the windows to slow heat loss.
- Replace deteriorating weather stripping around doors, windows, and exterior trim.
- Don't overlook electrical outlets. If you can feel a draft, you need to put insulation around the outlet box as well.

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