Friday, January 22, 2010

Website Spotlight: Savvy Source

You may or may not have noticed the new widget on the right side of my screen for Savvy Source. Savvy Source is a site where you can interact with other parents and get customized suggestions of educational activities. You take a quiz based on what your child can do, and then you receive suggestions based on where your child has made the last amount of developmental progress.

I tried the quiz for my daughter. She's 2, but she does a lot of things that 3-year-olds do developmentally (and sometimes even older). However, she's not equally advanced in all areas, and the quiz identified that and gave suggestions for areas where she isn't as far along in. Activities can take place in a variety of categories: music, science, math, art, language, time/space, social development, and physical activities.

The site has so much more than the quiz, though. There are city guides for a variety of metro areas. There are expert guides on all sorts of topics, from sleeping to feeding and more. There's also a section for networking with other parents and keeping a family journal.

Feel free to click through the widget on the right to check out this helpful site for parents!

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine.*

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