Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Healthy Habits: Workout Techniques

If you lift weights (which you should do), you should try some of these great ways to tweak your workout just a little bit for a change in how your muscles work. By changing it up slightly, you'll make your body work harder and have a more effective workout.

Change up your grip. If you use dumbbells/hand weights, you probably hold them in the middle. Try moving your hand so that the pinky finger is touching one end. Or shift the other way so the thumb and first finger touches. Also try turning your wrists to different positions (facing in at the beginning of a lift, facing out, facing forward, facing back).

Go off-balance. Lift a heavier weight in one hand, and then switch up for the next set.

Work your core. Do your weights on a stability ball. Bonus points if you close your eyes. Also try raising one leg as you work out (and switch between sets).

Add plank exercises to your core repertoire. Doing the plank face down is a great way to balance out your abs after doing on-your-back ab exercises.

Try uneven terrain for lunges, squats, etc. Just be sure to turn so that you're facing the other direction for the next set to work things evenly. You can also use a step bench to mimic this.

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