Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Parenting Pointers: Sharing Happiness

Spring is a busy time of year. Actually, for mothers – and just about everyone else, it seems – any time of year is busy! We can get so wrapped up in what needs to be done, that we can often forget to not only enjoy what we’re doing, but share happiness with those around us. And sharing happiness is worth the effort – it’s been shown that if you do little things for others, your own mood will lift as a result. There are a lot of little ways you can share happiness with those around you, that don’t take much effort, time, or money.

One thing that the local Christian radio station here does is sponsors a “Drive Through Difference” where on Fridays they encourage people to pay for the person behind them and have a little note that they can leave behind. This is something that is such a surprise that it’s bound to bring happiness – and even if you don’t know the recipient, you’ll know that you just did a little random act of kindness.

Sometimes just being aware of your surroundings can help spread happiness. When you’re shopping or running errands with your kids, look at things from their eyes. Try to capture a spirit of discovery and share some of the out-of-the-ordinary things you might see. Use it as a time to engage in conversation, and keep things positive! Smile at your kids and the people around you, and thank the employees at the stores or restaurants where you go. As someone who spent time working in retail and in a grocery store, I know that it is a huge boost to hear a compliment or a thank you from a customer.

Use the written word, too. If your kids text a lot, just text them a quick note once in a while, or write one and stick it into their lunch boxes or on a bedside table. It takes just a few seconds to do, and even if your kids groan and find it cheesy, they’ll appreciate it – trust me. Of course, this only works if they can tell it’s sincere!

And finally, keep things in perspective, and encourage your kids to as well. This doesn’t mean making light of difficulties and challenges, but it does mean being more focused on what you have than on what you don’t have, and helping your kids cultivate a positive attitude even when things don’t go their way.

This post was sponsored by Hershey’s Drops - a lot of Hershey’s happiness in a little drop ™.

For more information, visit or Hershey’s on Facebook.

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Hershey's blogging program, for a gift card worth $25 and some product. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

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