Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Parenting Pointers: Travel Security

There's not a lot of summer left, but if you're planning an end-of-the-summer getaway, or will be traveling for Labor Day weekend (or for holidays later this year), here are some tips from Master Lock to help you keep your home and belongings on your trip secure:

1. Secure all points of entry to your home, including dead bolting doors, windows, sliding glass doors and garage/shed doors to bolster your home's security. If you have an alarm system in place, be sure it is activated before departing. Leaving just one of these areas open or unlocked can lead to theft.
2. Keep your home active. Whether you've hired a dog walker or a neighbor is headed over to water plants and pick up deliveries, ensuring your home still appears to have people coming and going regularly can deter thieves. Store your house key in a key safe such as the Master Lock 5400D Key Safe to allow these individuals to easily enter and exit your home, locking it up as they leave. Make sure these approved visitors know the code to your home alarm system, if applicable, so they can deactivate it and reset it after finishing their tasks. If you do not have anyone visiting your property while you're away, consider placing lights on a timer and stopping your mail delivery by visiting
3. Lock up your luggage. Airports are full of people and distractions. Items can be easily stolen from bags while awaiting your flight's departure, or before you pick up checked luggage from the baggage claim area. A TSA-accepted lock like the Master Lock 4688D luggage lock will help keep your possessions safe while in transit and allow you to move through security lines with ease.
4. Secure important items in your room. Whether you're staying in a hotel, cabin or resort -- it's important to lock up valuables when not in your room. A secure document storage or cash box will help ensure your passport, traveler's checks, cash and jewelry safe while you and your family enjoy the sights and sounds of your destination. If you're taking your small valuables out and about with you, consider a Master Lock 5900D Safe Space to keep your belongings secure while you're on the go.
5. Create an emergency plan. It's no doubt you will have several activities planned throughout the course of your vacation. In the event that a member of your family becomes separated from your group while out and about, each individual should have a list of important numbers as well as a plan detailing how to reconnect with the group.

For more information and tips, you can visit Master Lock on Facebook. You can also utilize the free Master Lock Vault, which offers secure online data storage application and a smart phone app for easy access on the go.

I was able to try out Master Lock's TSA approved 4688D lock. It has a lot of travel-friendly features. You can set your own combination, so there's less chance you'll forget it. It's a flexible cable lock, so there's less chance of it getting bent or damaged when bags bump together. And it's TSA approved, which means they're able to open and re-lock it if they need to search your luggage, without damaging the lock itself.

Disclosure: I received a TSA-approved travel lock as a thank-you for writing this post.

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