Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thrifty Thinking: Packing Lunches

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of PackIt for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

AdvertisementIf you're a busy parent, you may be tempted to buy lunches - both for your kids at school, and for yourself at work. Have you ever figured out how much it would cost to pack it? In general, it is a lot cheaper to pack lunch - especially for working adults. Even value-priced school lunches at $2 or $3 a lunch can be up to twice as expensive as what you pack from home. Plus, kids don't always like everything in the lunch, and many school lunches aren't exactly the healthiest in the world - especially since many kids leave out the healthier parts, such as fruits and vegetables.

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There are some problems with packing lunches though - not big ones, but small inconveniences. Sometimes ice packs leak or get lost, and sometimes they don't stay cold until lunch time - especially if you or your child has a late lunch. That's why a pair of single moms created PackIt lunch boxes. The lunch boxes store in the freezer (and fold up so they don't take much room), and then can be opened and packed just like regular lunch boxes, to create an all-in-one solution for convenient cold lunches. For a limited time, when you buy through the PackIt website, you can buy one, get one free - two for $19.95! To find out more, you can watch this video:

Do you like this idea? How would you use it - and what makes it better than using a regular lunch bag? Feel free to answer in the comments below.

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