Friday, December 30, 2011

Consumer Critique: Mary's Son

I know this is coming just after Christmas, but it's still a great book and would make a nice gift for anyone who would enjoy a touching, yet unique, Christmas story.

Mary's Son: A Tale of Christmas isn't what I expected from just the title. Mary's Son, in most Christmas tales, would have Jesus as the central character. But this Mary's Son, Jared, is not your typical Christmas character.

Jared is a kid from the wrong side of town, poor and fatherless. Sarah is a privileged kid being raised largely by the household help. Both of their lives meet, along with that of Nicholas, a mysterious little man.

The story itself is neat - I really enjoyed the ending and the way magic was woven with reality to capture the wonder of Christmas. I even like the story behind the story - the inspiration for the story was a father telling this story at his daughter's birthday party.

If you want a unique story that conveys the spirit of Christmas, check out Mary's Son.

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of the book to facilitate this review.

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