Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Consumer Critique: The Prosperity Bible

I recently had the opportunity to review The Prosperity Bible: The Greatest Writings of All Time on the Secrets to Wealth and Prosperity. From the title, I was a little worried it was going to be something very "prosperity-Gospel" oriented - something that promises riches and wealth if you just pray the right way. I'm happy that it turned out to be something else entirely. It's a bible in the lowercase sense of the word - an authoritative work on a topic.

The book is a collection of writings from a wide variety of authors that look at prosperity through the lens of several topics, including philosophy and religion, finance, and self-help. Authors include those I've never heard of, but also very well-known figures, including Benjamin Franklin and P. T. Barnum.

The book is not an easy read. It's a little bit like the actual Bible that way - just the sheer amount of information means that you aren't going to be able to flip through it in a weekend. It does, however, provide a wide variety of perspectives from many noted experts. If you're interested in the economics of personal wealth, it's worth the read, and the price is a steal for the number of books included in this book.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book to facilitate this review.

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