Thursday, December 15, 2011

PSA: Drug and Alcohol Abuse

The holidays are generally a time of celebration. However, it's also a time that abuse of drugs and alcohol can increase. The National Center for Victims of Crime reports that during the Christmas and New Year holiday time, about 40 percent of all traffic fatalities occur in crashes where at least one of the drivers has a BAC (Blood Alcohol Count) level of .08 or more. During the remainder of December, the figure is 28 percent.

Drugs have now surpassed vehicle accidents as a cause of death, as well, showing that the need for being aware of their abuse is great.

If you know someone - especially a loved one - who abuses drugs or alcohol, consider helping them this year by getting them intervention. It could save their lives, or the lives of others.

Information provided by Narconon East US.

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