Thursday, December 15, 2011

World Wisdom: Seven Steps to Becoming a Green Family

Deciding to go green can be one of the most important steps you can take as a family. It may seem like it is simpler than ever before to go green, but it takes work and diligence to maintain a green lifestyle. Once everyone in the family is aware of the importance of becoming eco-friendly, it is time to begin implementing the strategies into your life. Even the smallest of changes can make a world of difference to your success at becoming green.

Below are some tips that you can begin implementing into your lifestyle right now:

1. Recycle
Make sure that you have enough recycling bins in your home, this way everyone knows what items should go into what bins. You can make it simple for the kids by color-coding the bins, based on what you are going to put into them.

2. Cleaning Up the Green Way
If you have a spill that needs to get cleaned up, try using green cleaning products instead of harsh chemicals. There are some great cleaners on the market that are eco-friendly, or you could use old-fashioned vinegar, lemon and baking soda. It is almost like doing a fun science experiment with all natural products.

3. Family Outing to the Farmer’s Market
Plan a trip to your local farmer’s market with everyone in the family to pick out plants for the inside of your home. Plants produce oxygen, so you can never have enough plants. You might also want to pick up some organic fruits and veggies to put into your kids lunch, instead of the pre-packaged snacks that you can buy from stores. Whenever you can, it is best to take your family to the local farmer’s market to pick up locally grown food, so you can plan your next meal and take the time to cook it as a family.

4. Clean Your Closets and Pantries
Take the time to go through all of your closets and pantries and check for duplicates, or items that you are not using. If you have multiple items that you really don’t need, you should eliminate some of them by donating them to organizations near you. The same thing applies to any clothing that you have outgrown. There are always others who can benefit from your items that you no longer need. You will be bringing meaning to the phrase “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!”

5. Think about a Greener Alternative
As you are going through your closets and pantries, you need to see if there are greener alternatives for what you have in there. More than likely, you will find that there are alternatives to almost everything that you have in your home. Take the time to look at where, and how, the items you are buying are made.

6. E-Waste
Make sure you have a separate container specifically for e-waste. You need to make sure that your family dumps any old batteries into this container, instead of just throwing them in the trash. Once the container is full you would simply take it to your recycling center for disposal.

7. Save Energy
Some of the simple things that you may not think of in your home to save energy are your light bulbs. Grabbing low-fluorescent light bulbs instead of the regular ones can save you money, not to mention you are helping the environment. Energy Star appliances are a great way to cut back on energy, along with money.

There are lots of ways to improve your family’s lifestyle and turn green, but it is going to take time to develop a habit. Once you continue to implement these tips into your home you will start to see the difference it can make in your home.

Annie Marcus enjoys teaching her kids about frugality and the environment.

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