Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mealtime Magic: Bitsy's Brainfood

I recently had a chance to try out Bitsy's Brainfood, healthy snacks that contain nutrients great for kids growing bodies and brains, including omega-3 DHA, calcium, vitamins A/B12/D3, folid acid, and fiber. They come in four unique flavors: lemon broccoli, orange chocolate beet, sweet potato oatmeal raisin, and zucchini gingerbread carrot. The flavors sound a  little weird, but they're pretty good - even my very picky toddler loved them.

The site is very kid-friendly too. Kids can learn about the different food groups and what makes them healthy, play games, and print out educational and creative activities. Parents can find out more about Bitsy, where to buy (currently only at Abe's Market and diapers.com), and also find some healthy, kid-friendly recipes.

Disclosure: I received complimentary boxes of Bitsy's Brainfood to facilitate this review.

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