Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Healthy Habits: Get Fit

Childhood obesity is a growing concern throughout the country. As a parent, it is important to make sure your child lives a healthy and active life. The Will Rogers Institute wants to share tips on proper amounts of sleep, ideal caloric intake, and games that help motivate children and adults alike to lead healthy, active lives.
On average, kids spend between five and six hours a day on media driven activities and not enough time on physical activity. Kids and teens are just not getting enough exercise to live a long and healthy life. In order to raise awareness about this issue, the Will Rogers Institute created “Kid Fit,” a public service announcement that encourages kids to get 60 minutes of physical activity a day, even if it means just going outside and playing. Studies show that kids and teens that are active reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease, and anxiety, as well as increase their overall mood.

The Will Rogers Institute’s PSA also offers viewers a FREE booklet, Fitness is Fun, available at www.wrinstitute.org/kidfit.aspx or by calling toll-free (877) 957-7575. The booklet is full of fun and engaging activities that help children, parents, and caregivers understand the importance of proper nutrition and exercise.

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