Monday, November 12, 2012

World Wisdom: Home Energy Audit

If you haven't had a home energy audit of your house before, you should - especially if you live in an old house. Our house was built in the 50s, and I think it still had the original windows in it - single pane glass, leaky frames, and so on.

What are the advantages? A Home Energy Team can perform a diagnostic assessment and get you started on cost effective measures to make your house more comfortable and reduce your monthly utility bills. So not only are you doing what's right for the environment, but you'll save money too.

Plus, you may qualify for one of the available federal grants for home improvement to help you save even more on the initial costs.

One improvement we made on our house right away was to get energy efficient windows put in. This saved us so much from one year to the next in heating costs. Plus, my husband loves the fact that he doesn't have to take the time to put up plastic on the windows, our windows look better in the winter, and we aren't throwing away the film every year - we all win!

Check out your local energy team to find out more about about how you can improve your house and help the environment.

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