Monday, March 25, 2013

Thrifty Thinking: DIY Weddings

The Big Wedding is playing in theaters starting April 26th, staring Robin Williams, Robert DeNiro, Susan Sarandon, and more. It's a good time to think about ways to simplify wedding plans, doing some if it on your own, which can save a lot of money in the end. Here are some things my husband and I - or friends of ours - did to keep our wedding down to a small budget.
- Barter/trade for services. I accompanied several of my musicians for juries (like final exams for people who are taking lessons in college) and in return, they played at my wedding.
- Do your own decorations. We bought inexpensive supplies at fabric stores and craft stores and created our own centerpieces. It wasn't anything fancy - a few flowers in small vases on top of a square of pretty fabric - but it added a nice touch to the tables and fit our budget.
- Be creative with desserts. You don't have to have a really fancy cake. If you have a relative who makes delicious pies, cookies, or muffins, use that for your reception.
- Do your own hair. You can often find someone who has a nice talent for doing hair, or who has done hair for theater products, within your group of friends and family members. Or wear your hair in a simple updo with tasteful embellishments.
What did you do to save money on your wedding?

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