I have the opportunity to give away a new book 50 Rules For Sons
1) What inspired the original
letter to your son?
When I left for college (now over 30 years ago) my Dad had
one admonition: “Don’t be an idiot.” Actually his language was a
bit more colorful but you get the idea. I spent my entire freshman year
specifically ignoring his advice. As my own son’s
graduation approached, frankly, I was a little worried. I wondered whether I had
told him everything I wanted to. As I composed my thoughts, I started to worry
about running out of time to tell him the many things I wish I had said. So I
started to make a list. A handful of lessons grew to 10...then to 20...then I
eventually settled on 50. I could actually even add a few more.
2) Why did you decide to turn it into a book?
I posted the rules to my blog and received a great deal of
feedback. One of my friends asked whether I had considered putting them in book
form. I didn't feel comfortable about the book at first because I felt as
though the rules needed some explanation. So I wrote the "Back Stories"
for each rule and decided to have it published.
3) Have you (and your son) been good at
following the rules?
When my son went to college I wondered whether he would
give them a second thought. Then mid-way through his freshman year he told me
that he was volunteering to be a Big Brother at an elementary school near his
college. That made me prouder than any grade he could have received. So I
believe the seeds are taking root. He's a great kid and I'm immensely proud of
As for
myself, well, I seem to follow some rules better than others but I still have
trouble with a few. I still bring home stray kittens (Rule 22); And I, on
occasion, state my opinion as fact (Rule 19). After all, I am a lawyer.
If you're interested in entering the giveaway (US readers only please), leave a comment with the biggest rule you hope to pass on to your kids by May 19th.
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