Thursday, August 15, 2013

Consumer Critique: Bratz My Passion

Disclosure: I received complimentary products to facilitate this post. All opinions are my own.

Full disclosure - I've never been a fan of Bratz dolls. When they first came out, I wasn't a fan of their sassy attitude or outfits or name or anything. While I can't give it an absolutely glowing review - I think the image is still too old for my young girls - I can say I've warmed up towards them quite a bit.

The Bratz doll bios available on the site are bios that would appeal to tweens and preteens, things like "quirky is cool" and "I'm sweet, but tough." The website has games that don't contain anything objectionable (photo studios, fashion designers, etc) and the outfits are no more revealing than anything other fashion dolls wear. They are fairly one-dimensional with a focus on "typical" girl things like shopping and friends and clothes, although the new "My Passion" collection does expand that more with web designer and a DJ included in the collection. They're also trying to expand on the image of Bratz, with things like the Real Bratz video below. I do like those changes, and have to say I'm a lot more willing to let my girls play with one than I was a few years ago.

To learn more, Like Bratzfollow @Bratz, or follow OfficialBratz on Instagram.

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