Thursday, April 2, 2015

Website Spotlight: Sqeeqee

The new social media networking site,, is the first social networking site to offer a stock photo service for users to make money using their own photos. I had a chance to interview Sqeeqee's founder and CEO, Jenny Q. Ta, to learn more.

What was the inspiration behind Sqeeqee?
It is to offer all global social users an alternative to value their time spent on social networking sites. As a former Investment Banker, I helped people to build their net worth and learn the value of their time spent. Though I believe people must first understand the meaning of self-worth, because without self-worth it would be difficult to understand net worth or to even take a stab at building it.

What sets its stock photo service apart from other stock photo sources?
What sets Sqeeqee's stock photo service apart from other stock photo sources is the user, the photographer, the owner of such photos have the power to control the number of downloads being purchased and share 50% of such revenue. No other sites offer such exclusivity to empower users. Photos and videos are not only the current trends, but they are here to stay and will only grow. So, why not monetize from it instead of just uploading it to different social sites for free? Again, understanding one's self-worth so that one can build net worth!

What other features makes Sqeeqee unique?
I would say Sqeeqee's entire platform is unique in itself as a user can never say he/she is bored because there are just so many options one can utilize and benefit monetarily. Being an innovator behind such a phenomenon, I do have my most favorite, which is our SqeekBox for unlimited cloud storage that was recently launched. I believe it was Sqeeqee who disrupted the market that has led to Amazon offering theirs as unlimited as well. We are still innovating and this doesn't mean there isn't another feature we will soon add that wouldn't be my most favorite. Until that goes out, I'd be sticking with SqeekBox as my most favorite.

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