Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Book Nook: The Dolphin's Secret - A Meditational Journey for Children

I recently had a chance to review The Dolphin's Secret: A Meditational Journey for Children by Meryl Best Lowell. This how-to storybook introduces children to mindfulness techniques for easing anxiety and promoting happiness.

The book is a child-friendly introduction to Yoga Nidra, a form of guided meditation with mindfulness techniques. It was written to help children learn to feel calmer and happier. The story takes the context of Meri the mermaid and Aloha the dolphin, and is designed for children 4-8 to be used be rest time or bedtime. It's a fun, easy to way to help kids visualize calming techniques and breathing.

Some parents might find it a little over-the-top if they aren't in favor of things like meditation and mindfulness, but for those who are looking for a way to encourage these practices in their kids, it's a good book.

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