Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Soul Sustenance: The Ultimate Bible for Girls

I recently had a chance to review the NIV Ultimate Bible for Girls. This Bible, designed for tween girls, includes a variety of features to help make the Bible more relevant.

I like the book introductions for each book. It's too easy to miss the connections and context for each book, but a good intro sets the stage. My older daughter likes quizzes, so she really enjoyed that feature. My other daughter liked the answers to questions - she's very curious, so it was right up her alley.

Other great features: ways for girls to put themselves in the story, ways for them to connect with Bible characters, and ways to help girls put Bible stories in their own words.

Overall it's a great Bible for girls. It's a little too girly in appearance for my younger girl (who's quite a tomboy), the material is good and it's a great way to make girls connect more with Bible stories.

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