Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Enriching Education: School Zone

 It's time for back-to-school - many students have already returned, and others will be returning in the next few days. Families and schools have had to be very resilient and adaptable over the last few years, and some families might be looking for resources to supplement classroom instruction - whether it's to fill in their children's gaps, or provide extra learning if they're ahead of the class.

I had a chance to see a workbook from School Zone - while they don't have much that targets my older kids, they have a lot to offer elementary families.

Learning Packs

Kindergarten Learning Pack  

Preschool Learning Pack  

Playtime Learning Pack  


BIG workbooks now spiral bound for easy page flipping::

Preschool Workbook 

Kindergarten Workbook 

First Grade Workbook 


All-in-one Solutions

Give preschoolers or kindergarteners a dynamic, all-in-one learning experience! This comprehensive set takes a classroom approach, with lots of different ways to learn essential skills and keep kids focused and motivated.  


Anywhere Teacher, is School Zone’s award-winning online learning tool designed to align with national education standards, and provides over 2,000 activities that make learning fun, safe and ad-free, anywhere, anytime.

If you have an early learning, or are supplementing or homeschooling, these resources can be a user-friendly way to increase your kids' mastery of academic skills.

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