Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Book Nook: Amazing Art Adventures

My parents love to travel, and so does our family. My dad and my daughter really love art too. They're excitedly planning more trips to take as an extended family thanks to a new book I got to review,
Amazing Art Adventures. The book has hundreds of entries, plus visuals and maps, and it gives teasers into art experiences all around the world

If I were going to make any complaint about the book, it's that now I want to go to too many different places. Each entry provides brief highlights about the art to be found in a particular place, enough to make us want to go there, either on a real trip or through virtual experiences. (Fortunately many places to have virtual visits, because we can't possibly afford to go everywhere). I'm amazed at how much is packed into this book! If you like art and like to travel, this is a great resource for planning a vacation around art or adding art experiences to your vacations.

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