Monday, May 21, 2018

Enriching Education: Transforming Teens and Tweens

Krista Rizzo is a Certified Transformational Life Coach, Author, Speaker, Video Show Host, Wife & The World's Okayest Mom to two amazing boys.   

Focusing on mindset, communication, balance and empowerment, Krista is obsessed with motivating women and youth by helping them realize their true capabilities. Through her signature coaching and speaking topic "Inspiring Transformation," she will show you how to fully embrace change allowing you to create the life of your dreams.  

She's a member of the prestigious Forbes Coaches Council, an active contributor for HuffPost and The Today Show Parenting Website. Krista has been featured in the NY Post, and has guested on multiple podcasts where she has been showcased as a thought leader in her field.

I had a chance to interview her to learn about tweens and teens becoming the best they can be.

Why is it important for people as young as Tweens and Teens to be willing to make changes? 
Major life events don't only happen to the big people, right? I recently taught a course to women about how to embrace, accept and most importantly, create change in their lives. One of the women taking the course asked if she could share the information with her son. That got me to thinking that I should reach out to the youngsters. We can't control what happens to our kids. We worry, we anticipate, we get anxiety over all of it. Having the ability to be able to handle any situation that's thrown at us (and by us I mean all the people in all the world), is a very handy tool. If we can teach our kids how to deal with things that get thrown their way and to pivot from those situations, we are arming them with information that will help carry them throughout their lives. We should be providing them with these tools early so they can put them to good use while they're creating the lives of their dreams from young ages. 

How can these young people enlist parental support when making transformations? 
I think parents should be involved all the way when it comes to transformation. None of us is immune to change. If we all used the 5 foundations I teach on, we could be encouraging and empowering one another to do big things. Kids want support from their parents, and parents want to provide positive, motivational information to their kids. There is no better way to do it than through communication and practice. Working together to support one another from pivotal ages can only help our kids grow in positive ways. 

What are some steps towards positive relationships that Tweens and Teens need to make? 
Just like adults, kids need to work on a few things. I have a list of 5 foundations we all need to use on a daily basis:
1. Dream Big - create actionable goals that will help you achieve your big dreams.
2. Master Mindset - work to understand why positive mindset is so important and learn how to use it.
3. Communication - learn how to communicate using every form, verbal and non verbal. Become an expert listener. Use your communication tools to help others.
4. Balance - Learning how to manage your time and schedule is an art - one that's quickly becoming outdated! If we can provide our kids with the understanding of how important it is to be able to manage their lives from a timing perspective, they'll understand how to incorporate their own personal time into it.
5. Empowerment - once tweens/teens know how to do the first 4 elements in this list, they will know the true meaning of empowerment. They'll be firing on all cylinders and they will have the tools they need for when they get off track (because we all get off track at some point). That enables them to help others feel inspired and empowered. It's a great cycle!

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