Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Money Makers: Tips on Company Success from Andrew and Karina Feld

From the Hollywood acting scene to becoming entrepreneurs of Fresh Patch, Andrew and Karina Michel Feld have experienced their share of make or break moments. Their approach to entrepreneurship is also philanthropic. Not only do they produce the hydroponically grown, soilless pet grass for potty training that pet owners love, but they also give back to the community donating Fresh Patches weekly to The Vanderpump Dog Foundation, Paw Works, and Best Friends in Los Angeles. The couple shares their advice they’ve learned along their journey of business ownership.
1- We often hear it's not wise to mix business and love. Can you tell us how Fresh Patch has thrived from your partnership?  
We actually met each other while working on a film in Los Angeles.  We were both actors at the time, and the director thought we would make a good match.  He was right!
When it comes to business, we both have our own strengths.  Andrew is more innovative and comes up with a lot of the ideas.  I handle a lot of the logistical side of things.
We have always had big dreams for sure but we didn’t try and force anything to happen overnight. It all just sort of happened organically.

2- What is your strategy?  
If something comes across our desk and we both love it, we do it.  There is no reason to get involved with anything unless you believe in it 100%.  We currently have some ideas in the works and there are other businesses that we invest in. Chareau is one of our favorites - They are a Californian aloe liquor brand that’s doing quite well and branching out into European markets right now.

3- How do you manage the stress?
The first few years of running Fresh Patch were the most intense.  Everything was on the line and there really was no room for failure.  I was pregnant and Andrew was wearing too many hats. He was building the website, making the products, and handling customer service all by himself.   
Now that we have an amazing team in place we can relax a bit more. We like to travel, go to concerts, and spend time with the family.
As an entrepreneur, things will always happen and stress levels are bound to rise.  Exercise is so important. We live remotely in the country so we have our own gym. I like to mix it up with swimming, treadmill, pilates. Andrew is obsessed with his Peloton bike.

4- What's the biggest hurdle you've had to overcome?
That doing it all ourselves is not the way to go. Hiring people that can do a better job is better for the growth of the company and for us. This also frees up our time to grow Fresh Patch and work on other projects.

5- What's your best advice for balancing work, family, and your relationship?
You have to make time for everything, it's a balancing act for sure. I try and schedule time slots for things as much as I can, while still being kind of a free spirit, which can be challenging!

6- Best piece of advice for other couples thinking of starting a business together?
You have to like spending time together and see eye to eye on most things.  Hopefully, you both can bring certain strengths and attributes to the table that the other person is lacking.   

Fresh Patch is available for purchase online at and

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