It's a cute story, one that imaginative, pet-loving kids will really enjoy reading. It's a short read so it's good for little kids with little attention spans, and fun to help encourage imagination.
I had a chance to do an interview to learn more.
Why was this book written? As the author of 25 non-fiction books, Stevens loves to write. Actually, “Sky’s Amazing Dream,” was an accidental book. Mark had written this story about Sky one Summer day sitting in the backyard with Sky. Sky is the son who stayed home. Stevens’ two sons are grown and they are living their lives in Manhattan. Stevens is in constant wonder of how beautiful, warm and loving Sky is so he wrote down his thoughts about Sky’s amazing dream and stuffed it in a drawer. I found it several months later, read it and couldn’t believe how magical it was. We hired a photographer to do a photo shoot with Sky and then we turned the sweet little story in the drawer into a book to share with others. If anyone owns a Golden Retriever, they understand how warm and loving these dogs are. Sky stands on the shoulders of Quincy and Blue, the two Golden Retrievers who came before him.
What do you think about the bond between people and pets? The bond between people and pets is selfless. No one is ever as happy to see you when you come in the door each day from work as much as dogs are. No one is ever as happy to go out for a morning walk through rain, sleet or snow like dogs are and no one is ever as happy to cuddle with you before bed after a long day. Pets look into your eyes and into your soul. Their sweet faces just say “love me and I will always love you!” They are completely and totally selfless.
What do you think kids will most like about this book? I know after watching several children thumbing through the book at a book fair back in September, that they LOVE seeing pictures of the real canine, Sky. Sky is good to the core and a role model for all. Golden Retrievers are bred to love children. I think the lessons of helping those children who are less fortunate and cheering up the ones who are sad or sick are what most people want to teach their children. By reading this book together discussions can evolve into how to help others -- not just yourself.
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