Saturday, June 1, 2019

Soul Sustenance: A Standard of Grace - Guided Journal

Moms need me time. Time away can refresh the spirit and, in turn, make moms better at nurturing others.

I had a chance to reviewA Standard of Grace: Guided Journal, by bestselling author Emily Ley. Emily is a woman who has built an entire company (Simplified by Emily Ley) on the concept that people can organize their lives and time to focus on what truly matters the most.

It's a beautiful book, and that just adds to the pleasing, caring aesthetic. It's perfect for moms who need a break, moms who need a change, or just moms who want to continue a routine of self-care. The journal encourages reflection, grace and forgiveness towards oneself, and peace. It helps nurture dreams, explore hopes, and really invest energy in what's important. The book is designed to be a year-long journey, which provides ample time for the reflection in the book, even if you only have a few minutes to yourself.

Emily Ley is a mother of 3 and bestselling author of Grace, Not Perfection, and A Simplified Life: Tactical Tools for Intentional Living.

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