Saturday, August 24, 2019

Parenting Pointers: How To Help Your Kids Prepare For The Real World

If I asked a room of parents what the “real world” is like, I would most likely get several different answers. However, there are a few things we can agree upon. First, the real world is a complicated and confusing place. It combines working full time, adult responsibilities, and dealing with problems that lack clear solutions. We can also agree that most people are not prepared for it when it comes time to enter it. I have spoken to many college graduates who have shared stories of being blindsided by life after school.

Each graduate I speak to talks about how they had no idea what life as an adult actually entailed. If they had, they would have focused more in school, tried harder in their classes, and put time and energy into planning out the next steps in their life. Most people I speak to never did that. The result is generations of adults who are unhappy with their careers and how their lives turned out. For most of them, it may be too late to make real, impactful changes. However, it is not too late to help your kids as they navigate their way through these complicated life steps on their own journey into the real world.

The first step in helping your kids be prepared is to be honest about what is coming next in life. Explain how much of your time is taken up by your full-time job. In my coaching sessions with clients, I use a slide that breaks down how many hours you have in your week and then subtract the hours taken up by work, sleep and adult responsibilities. This gives a clear picture of the importance of pursuing a career of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Secondly, help them to understand the direct connection between choosing a career you are passionate about and your overall quality of life. Point out how studying for tomorrow’s tests has a direct impact on their college choices which has a direct impact on their career choices. There is a part of life they do not see coming. It is our job to help them understand and plan for it.

The last step is to encourage your student to research and explore any careers or jobs that might interest them. Try not to dissuade them from exploring careers that are deemed “risky” or “unsafe”. The truth is, that no job or career is that safe anymore. Furthermore, if they are truly excited about a possible career, this will be their motivation to take control of their education and plan for their future. I have seen first hand how much student engagement increases once the student has discovered an exciting career path for themselves.

It is crucial we help students understand what is coming next in life. More importantly, today’s students need to learn from the mistakes of past graduates. This is why I wrote an eBook entitled “The Top 5 Regrets of College Grads”. To get your own FREE copy, please click here.

About Kyle

Kyle Grappone is the founder of To The Next Step, an educational coaching and services company designed to prepare students for the next steps in life including college, entering the workforce and the real world. He offers several student focused services including one on one coaching and on-demand courses. You can learn all about it at or by emailing him directly at

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