Saturday, September 28, 2019

Enriching Education: Educator Uses Theater and Dance to Improve Science and Math Learning Outcomes

While classrooms everywhere teach core academic concepts and many schools have classes to teach dance or theater, schools never consider combining the two. Additionally, in an era in which school budgets are being cut, art, music and dance are often the first subjects to be eliminated from the curriculum altogether. In a new interview with CMRubinWorld founder C.M. Rubin, Timothy Weinstein, a STEAM (STEM + Art Education) teacher at Turner Intermediate School (Wilkinsburg Borough School District, Pennsylvania), says schools are making a big mistake since “utilizing a kinesthetic approach” allows for more creativity and student engagement, and this can be a game changer in STEM learning outcomes.
Weinstein’s story began a few summers ago when he took part in an arts integration workshop. During the program, a theater workshop focused on teaching kids the value of empathy. Weinstein realized that he could expand the strategy to other subjects, especially the STEM subjects. In his school, many students still struggle with both academic challenges and behavioral issues, which is why incorporating art into the curriculum is paramount. “Learning core academic concepts through dance and theater taps into many students’ urges to move around. This approach allows for creativity, something that traditional curriculum stifles.” says Weinstein.
Read the full article here
Timothy Weinstein is a STEAM (STEM + Art Education) teacher at Turner Intermediate School (Wilkinsburg Borough School District, Pennsylvania) who focuses on integrating arts into academic subjects within school curriculum.
CMRubinWorld’s award-winning series, The Global Search for Education, brings together distinguished thought leaders in education and innovation from around the world to explore the key learning issues faced by most nations. The series has become a highly visible platform for global discourse on 21st century learning, offering a diverse range of innovative ideas which are presented by the series founder, C. M. Rubin, together with the world’s leading thinkers.
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