Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Thrifty Thinking: Fix 10 Common Problems related to Your Washing Machines


You can’t really deny the fact that appliances have made our lives much easier, from the kitchen to appliances used in the bathroom; we are dependent on them. And, if any one of these appliances fails to work, then it can be a really difficult situation for you. 

One of the most important appliances that help us a lot is the washing machine. No doubt about the fact that it makes it easier for us to clean dirty clothes. Hence, they are a modern necessity and very useful. Like other technologies, washing machines also have some flaws. And, it can be very difficult if one day, all of a sudden, you see that your washing machine is not working. Here are some common problems that you might notice:

10 Common Problems with their Fixes

If you see that suddenly your washing machine is not working, you can really fix it. All you have to do is go through the given problems discussed below, along with their fixes, to help yourself out. You can also contact washing machine repair Dubai for the best services. 

  1. Unpleasant smell is coming

You might think that the smell coming from the washing machine is not that important, but no, you are completely wrong. It is a big deal. You must not ignore this problem, or else it might turn into a very serious issue. 

The washing machine is for cleaning purposes, and if it is smelling, then it is not fulfilling its purpose. The main reason behind this problem is cold washes and liquid detergent. These two combinations can lead to building bacteria, so you need to avoid using these two together. Rather than using cold washes, use hot washes and also try to opt for maintenance services at least twice a year.

  1. Draining issue

Draining issue is also a common problem people face with washing machines. This problem arises due to a blocked drain hose, and its fixes are also very easy. First, you have to disconnect the hose, and then you need to pour the water away. You also have to check the filter, whether there is any blockage or not. If you think it is becoming a little messy, then you can contact the washing machine repair for the best services.

  1. Washing machine not turning on

This is another common problem the user’s face. If you suddenly see that your washing machine is not turning on, the first thing that you need to do is not to get panicked. Just calm down and follow what you are told. Next, you need to check the power outlet and fuse. Another way is just to give your washing machine a little time to cool down. It might be possible that due to overuse, your machine has overheated.

  1. Shortage of water

You might see that your machine is not filling with water. This can be a big problem if you don’t pay much attention to this. This problem has arisen due to a blocked hose. So, in this case, you just have to clear the blockage and check the filter, whether they are in the proper state. And further, if you face any problem, you should definitely take help from the best service centre.

  1. Faulty door

Are you unaware of the fact that the door of the washing machine is airtight in nature? If you see that your door is not opening, then it can be a problem, but the fixes are quite easy. First, you have to drain out the water that your machine still has. As the door won’t open if it senses water inside the washing machine. You just have to set another recycle to drain out the water. Also, check the filter, whether it is draining properly or not. 

  1. Improper draining process

This problem arises when the water is left over in the machine and suddenly starts to drain slowly. In this situation, you have to check the filter and see if there is any obstruction causing this issue. If you check the filter on a regular basis, then you can avoid a lot of problems related to this. 

  1. The spinning problem

This can lead to a major issue. If you see that your washing machine is not spinning, then it is due to motor problems. And, if the load is quite heavy, then you might face this issue. You just have to readjust the load and again try to check whether the machine is working properly or not. If you are not that confident, then you can contact washing machine repair experts for help.

  1. Unpleasant noises

If all of a sudden you see that your washing machine is making noises, then you need to repair it as soon as possible. Usually, when the machine is working, it makes sounds, but if you see that the sound is quite louder, then it might be due to the accumulation of debris. So, you can also check the drums, which can also lead to this problem.

  1. Ripping off clothes

You might note that your clothes are getting ripped off in the washing machine. This can be a big deal as no one wants to experience such things. The cause of this problem can be the accumulation of objects in the drum. Hence, you have to check the drums and clear out the debris accumulated over there. Further, you need to be very careful while fixing the machine. It would be best if you contact the experts as they know their job best.

  1. Machine is bouncing

If you see that your machine is vibrating, then it is a normal thing. But, if you see a sudden increase in the vibration, then that might be a concern. This is also one of the common issues that users face. And, the reason can be due to the uneven ground or the absorber is not connected properly. Don't panic; if you see that your machine is bouncing, seek professional help.


So, these are 10 common problems with washing machines. And, if you witness any of these problems, don’t ignore them. Try to fix it right there, or you can also contact experts if you don’t seem to be confident. 

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