Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Time Tidbits: Laundry Hacks for Working Parents

Being a working parent comes with its own unique set of challenges. Whether you work from home or work outside of the home, your time is precious. This means that having a laundry routine is essential because laundry piles up faster than you can blink some days. Minimizing laundry time and expense is one of the biggest wins when looking to balance work, family, and responsibilities. Here’s how:

  1. Create a game plan: Consider using a laundry planner to plan out your laundry for the week. In general, planning out anything is always more beneficial as it allows you to stay organized and proficient in your tasks. If you already create a weekly meal plan, it is so easy just to tack on 10 extra minutes and think about your weekly laundry plan. You may give more importance to other tasks, but the moment your kid needs a clean pair of jeans to wear, you will regret taking an ad hoc approach. To avoid such a situation, choose one day when you will do all the laundry or set a different type of laundry to be completed on certain days of the week. If you tend to forget things, mark the day of laundry in your calendar for the constant reminder.

  2. Incorporate a laundry gadget to make laundering bed sheets easier and faster: Washing and drying several beds’ worth of sheets used to be intimidating. Inevitably they will tangle, twist, and ball-up, sometimes sending the washer off-balance. And once they were finally out of the washer the same cycle of misery continues in the dryer, requiring several sessions of untangling the sheets and turning the dryer back on to get them fully dry. Instead, try the new, game-changing laundry gadget, Wad-Free® for Bed Sheets. This innovative gadget attaches to the four corners of both the flat and the fitted sheet and prevents the dreaded sheet wad. Not only do sheets come out cleaner, but they also dry in a fraction of the time with fewer wrinkles to boot. Using Wad-Free, you can fill your machines to capacity and run mixed loads, reducing your time spent on laundry, and saving on your energy bill.

  3. Make your dryer more efficient: Make it a habit to check -- and empty -- the lint trap before each load. A full lint trap reduces efficiency and becomes a fire hazard. If you don't clean it out, it prevents the dryer from being able to exhaust hot air, causing it to overheat. Failure to clean the dryer's lint trap is the leading cause of home laundry dryer fires.

  4. Designate drop-off spots: Avoid wasting your time by running around the house looking for dirty towels and sheets. Designate hampers, baskets, or even drop-off spots throughout the house that visually tell you something needs to be washed. This can be as simple as tossing a dirty washcloth on the staircase - just find a working system where you know that if something is there, it needs to be washed.

  5. Keep pet hair off your laundry: If you’re tired of washing bedding and clothes and still finding fur left on them, incorporate another useful product. FurZapper  is a safe, re-usable, and effective pet hair remover that goes into your washer/dryer and gently removes pet hair from your clothing. Just place the FurZapper into your clothes washer and it goes to work gently removing any pet hair, dander, and lint. While effective in the washer, it works even better in the dryer- often filling up your lint trap. Try using FurZapper along with Wad-Free for Bed Sheets for the ultimate in wad-free, fur-free sheets. 

  6. Fold & put away ASAP: Most people can stand the washing and drying portion of laundry day but dread the idea of folding it all. All those clean sheets and clothes get tossed load after load into some pile and can look intimidating to tackle, especially if you have children. But, if you can spend just 10-15 minutes after each load is done to fold and put everything away, your life will become so much easier. This is because that pile you were once intimidated by won't exist anymore, meaning less procrastinating, and you’ll keep wrinkles at bay

Obviously, laundry plans among working parents are going to look wildly different. But the premise stays the same: create a plan, incorporate effective gadgets, and put away your family’s laundry right when it is done. You will be more in control once you create an organized system for ways to make laundry easier— not harder! 

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