Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Fun Freetime: Discover Live

Many people value experiences over materialistic gifts. Travel is an amazing experience, but it's not always available to everyone, whether it's due to cost, time, or health concerns. Discover Live offers a private travel experience with engaging and interactive tours that cover some of the most spectacular places on the planet, with certified tour guides from Florence to Egypt to Machu Picchu and many, many more. Discover Live also has gift certificates so friends, employees and loved ones can choose the destination they most want to visit.  

“This is truly the perfect gift for everyone on your list. Not only will it be an experience to remember but the tour can be shared and viewed with loved ones to create connection“ said Tricia Norton, CMO, Discover Live. “The Discover Live difference is that we are truly live, not pre-recorded and 100% private, offering personal and unique experiences to our customers.”


The sign-up process is simple, yet thoughtful. Customers select a tour location, date, and provide any specific details about their travel interests. At the time of the tour, they login via Webex or ZOOM through any device. Then they simply sit back, relax, and Discover Live does the rest, offering a personalized travel experience where certified tour guides engage with you throughout the tour. Customers interact and ask questions just as they would in-person. This memorable experience reunites generations of families, geographically distant friends, co-workers, students, and seniors with real-time virtual travel. The customer stories and reviews more than speak for themselves.


I had a chance to learn more in this interview.

Why was Discover Live created?

DISCOVER LIVE WAS created in 2018 to give world travel experiences to people who have difficulty traveling in-person. By providing live, travel tours anyone can experience the joys of exploring and learning about new places, cultures and history. Our certified tours guides, located around the world, engage and interact with our guests, for an experience that is possible better than being there in person and at a fraction of the cost. The founders knew personally about the benefits of seniors feeling anticipation for the future and having relevance in life. Travel experiences provide both and we wanted to make travel accessible to everyone. 


Why are virtual tours such a great gift?

More and more, people value experiences over materialistic things. To many, there is nothing better than the experiences of world travel but going in-person is out of reach for many who have time, financial or physical constraints. With Discover Live gift certificates, people can give the gift of private, live travel experiences to families, friends and colleagues. It's a unique, valued gift of memories that will last a lot longer than 100 washings! 


What sets Discover Live apart from just watching videos or other ways to virtually explore a country?

Our tours are live, private and personalized. We cater to our customers' interests be it cuisine, art, architecture, history or culture to name a few. Our guides call our guests by name and our guests talk and interact with our guides in real time.  


About Discover Live


We are experts on live, virtual travel. Since 2018, Discover Live has been virtually transporting families, friends, colleagues, students, and all travel lovers, to amazing places around the world for fun, adventure, and exploration. We provide meaningful opportunities to connect with the world at large, with the ones who matter most.

Each tour is personalized. Our customers walk the streets of Paris, Florence, or Rome, explore the temples of Egypt, the waterways of Venice or learn about street art in Buenos Aires. Our tour guides call participants by name, know their interests, and share their local expertise in culture, cuisine, art, history, and architecture. Our customers revisit their favorite destinations or explore new ones under the care of our handpicked, certified guides, who are specially trained in virtual travel. Our customers create lasting memories, as if they are there in person. For more information or to purchase a gift certificate/tour, please visit:

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