The app is great for busy parents on the go… you can take the story from the "page" to your headphones. With Fictionz, you can listen to a book on your drive to work, then read it on your phone in bed that night, and pick up where you left off to listen to it during your workout. It’s different than audio books in that sense as it goes beyond the audio.
I had a chance to learn more in this interview.
Why was Fictionz created?
Fictionz was created out a combustion of many things over time including a love of short stories and books, the ease of the audio form in day to day life (podcasts), my background in producing movies and working with wonderful actors and directors, my passion for tech and partnership with a wonderful company called Ready Go Ventures, and a personal desire to hear and shed a light on more content that accurately represents women and our stories.
Why is it important to have a female-centric narrative app?
Why not? Why not have an app that speaks to a specific audience (51 % of the world) who yearns to see and hear themselves reflected and embodied in good stories -- as the central characters versus the sidekicks, the narrators, the authors and the directors?
Besides being female-centric, what else sets Fictionz apart from similar apps?
In a few ways:
1) There is no other narrative podcast app that allows you to listen or read or do both at the same time.
2) Our stories are adapted form short stories and books like you would a tv show or mini -series.
3) We are 100 percent add free and all original content. You can only hear these stories on this app.
4) We do not do unscripted podcasts or talkie podcasts like 99.9% of the podcast apps. We are narrative and serialized only.
5) We have multiple actors play multiple roles with sounds like you would get in a movie. We do not do a straight audiobook reading of anything. Everything is made like you would adapt a book for television.
6) Our mandate for content is diverse and seeks to tell stories about people of all backgrounds and all ethnicities.
7) We don’t just focus on the stereotypical female content like “romance", but we have every genre from thriller to science fiction.
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