I had a chance to interview Dr. Darrell Griffin, author of Building a Better You, on how parents can develop stronger parent-child relationships using the Enneagram Test? As a certified Enneagram Trainer and Coach, Dr. Darrell Griffin offers families guidance through this process so they may cultivate stronger bonds between parent-child by better understanding their own personality types. This ancient spiritual practice provides insight into both parent-child relationships and individual behaviors; by learning more about ourselves through this knowledge, we can cultivate stronger bonds between each other, resulting in happier lives overall.
Dr. Darrell Griffin strongly suggests using the Enneagram Test, which determines personality type in order for parents and children alike to be able to speak candidly about their needs without feeling anger or frustration from one another because of differences manifesting themselves through criticism/praise styles; this will ultimately result into better communication and parent-child relationships. Learning how to communicate with one another is the missing key to building strong family ties.
What is the Enneagram? The word Enneagram comes from two Greek words: Enneagram meaning "nine," and gram, meaning "point." Thus, the Enneagram literally means drawing nine points or nine personality traits. This over 2,500-year-old spiritual system prioritizes self-awareness and self-acceptance as a means of better understanding oneself and others. According to the Enneagram Institute, the Enneagram is a tool to help people raise their self-awareness to help them find purpose, healing, and success in relationships.
Why should parents and caregivers take the Enneagram - how will it improve parenting skills? Being a Parent is one of the most challenging jobs. But the Enneagram can help parents better understand themselves so that they may better parent their children. The more a parent know about themselves, the better they can parent their children. Having self-discovery and self-awareness tools gives parents an edge in raising children with purpose and successful relationships. The Enneagram can help parents effectively manage their children's diverse and sometimes challenging personalities and help them dramatically reduce conflict.
How can the Enneagram help parents understand and enhance relationships with their kids, especially teens? Knowing your parenting personality enables you to discover how your parenting personality motivates the way you behave as a parent and how your child's personality interacts with your personality. You will learn how to recognize your greatest parenting strengths and weaknesses and how to free yourself to become a true guide and mentor to your child. A stronger connection with your child reduces conflict, helps your child find their purpose, and brings healing and success in relationships.
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