Monday, March 21, 2022

Money Matters: 4 Questions to Ask Before Deciding on a Term Life Insurance Plan


Know the most pertinent questions to ask when you’re presented with a term life insurance quote

When it comes to providing for your loved ones, getting a life insurance plan is one of the most important life decisions you can make. However, it is not always an easy or obvious decision which type of policy to choose, and many are too nervous to broach the subject. We’re here to give you a little bit more information and hopefully get you started on the search for the best term life insurance quote for you. Often, life insurance gets complicated because your plan has to fit your current lifestyle and make sense for your loved ones in the future. So, before you settle on a term life insurance plan, make sure to ask these 4 key questions. Let’s get started!

  1. Is Term Life Insurance the Best Option for Me?

Before you start looking at quotes, make sure that term life insurance best suits your needs

Life insurance can seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be.

The first thing you will encounter when searching for a life insurance policy is that there are two major types of life insurance — term life and whole life insurance. In this article, we are going to be primarily discussing term life insurance. However, it is important to know the difference between term and whole life insurance. Term life insurance is life insurance with an expiration date. When you outlive your insurance plan, your insurance expires. Term life insurance plans can range anywhere from one to 30 years and are generally more suitable for those who are on the younger side. Make sure you are happy with the duration and coverage included in your terms life insurance quote before making any major decisions,

On the other hand, some opt for whole life insurance, also known as permanent life insurance, which does not expire. Your whole life insurance plan will stick with you and the insured will receive death benefits no matter how long you live. In almost every case, permanent life insurance is more expensive and more complicated than term life insurance.

  1. How Much Life Insurance is Enough?

Feel confident that your term life insurance quote is enough to cover cost for your loved ones in the future

If you want to have children in the future, you should factor that into your life insurance plan.

Now that we’ve learned a little bit about the two major types of life insurance, it’s time to get into some more detail about term life insurance quotes. After you’ve decided that you are going to pursue a term life insurance plan, you need to decide how much life insurance you need.

To find the answer, you have to ask yourself a few questions. The first question you need to ask is — “Do I have any outstanding debts that could fall to my loved ones in the event of my passing?” If the answer is yes, you should calculate how much you owe and factor that into your final policy decision. You also need to ask yourself — “How much will my dependents need to maintain the same lifestyle after I’m gone?” These two questions will help you get a rough estimate of how much life insurance you will need. After you determine how much life insurance you ideally need, you need to make sure you decide on a plan that works with your current budget. 

  1. How Much Will Life Insurance Cost?

Make sure you are securing a term life insurance quote that fits with your current budget

Your policy cost often depends on your lifestyle and physical assessment.

There are a lot of variables when it comes to finding the best term life insurance quote and there are a lot of different factors that will affect your monthly payments. When you begin searching for a life insurance plan, your insurance agent or service will need to know your age, gender, a few aspects of your lifestyle, and you may have to undergo a medical exam to address your health status. All of this is used to assess your risk, which will affect how much you pay into your policy each month. 

Generally, the higher risk level you pose based on your assessment, the higher your monthly payment will be. For most healthy people in their 20s or 30s, which is often when people begin searching for term life insurance, a policy can range anywhere from $25 to $50 per month depending on the many different variables insurance companies consider. 

  1. What if my Health Status Changes?

Contact your life insurance provider to ask questions about how your health affects your policy

Quitting smoking can help you secure a lower monthly premium.

If you are buying a policy on your own, meaning that you are not purchasing through an employer, you’ll have to undergo a physical examination. Should you make a change to your life that improves your health, like quitting smoking for example, you may be able to undergo a second evaluation which could help decrease your monthly premium. When you purchase your policy, you should also ask your provider what will happen should your health decline.

Though you probably won’t have the rest of your life planned out when you begin searching for term life insurance quotes, you should do your best to plan for as far in the future as possible. Even though you may not have as many financial responsibilities currently, like children or a mortgage, these are the types of things you should account for when searching for a life insurance plan. The more work you do now to secure the best possible plan, the more prepared you will be for whatever the future might bring. 

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