Monday, March 21, 2022

Parenting Pointers: Traveling with Kids

For parents of young kids, the decision to get up and go travel can be scary. On the one hand, there’s the excitement of introducing children to new places and experiences. On the other, the prospect of chaotic naptime schedules, loss of sleep, and a full toddler (or parent) meltdown.   

Luckily, Brian and Jena Noggle - parents of two and founders of Frankie Dean Dream Blankets - have all the hot tips to keep family travel fun for everyone. Brian’s background as a Registered Nurse and Jena’s work as a Children’s Special Needs Counselor inform a wealth of child development wisdom. 

Plus, with two boys under the age of 5, they’ve got the real-world experience to know what works (and what doesn’t). And they’re passionate about empowering other families to re-discover the joy of travel, with helpful strategies like:

  • Packing plenty of snacks for the car/plane

  • Bringing natural calming remedies for yourself, like Magnesium, Ashwagandha, or Vitamin B6

  • Booking as many activities/amenities as possible ahead of time (rental car, car seat, plane tickets, hotel rooms, tours, zoo visits, etc.) 

  • Getting as much sleep as you can the night before departure

  • LAUGHTER! Kids are always watching and picking up on our behaviors (especially in stressful situations). Keep things light and remember to look for fun in the journey.

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