Monday, August 29, 2022

Book Nook: Zigglebee

I recently had a chance to review a book from Zigglebee, a cute concept that has a heartwarming origin. During the Covid-19 pandemic, 7 year old twin sisters, Lana and Laila began writing and illustrating stories as a way to pass the time. Laila has a developmental disorder that affects her ability to communicate, but Lana has discovered she can connect with her sister through imagery and storytelling. This book was designed by Lana and inspired by Laila's Gift to encourage engagement through creativity and the arts.

I thought this book was such a great idea, and has such a nice story behind it. The book is written with easy-to-read text and a small amount of words per page, then plenty of room for kids to illustrate the book just the way they imagine it. I loved being able to use this with one of the kids I was tutoring this summer - although she's a struggling reader, she was able to read the book; the short text on each page wasn't intimidating. Being able to use her creativity to write what was happening really inspired her to connect words with pictures and use her love of color to have a positive literacy experience.

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