Saturday, March 25, 2023

Book Nook - SIGNS: Everyday Encounters with Pathways, Turning Points, and Divine Guideposts

Each one of us desires to build a sense of trust in ourselves, in our world, and in life.  

People wonder, "Is life random or are we guided in a very subtle way?"


Award-winning author SIMRAN says "Life is guiding us and inviting us — through every sacred encounter — to notice the extraordinary in the ordinary."


Mystical experiences are becoming mainstream occurrences. The time has come for discerning how our interactive intelligence threads throughout all of life to turn, guide, and point us forward. In truth, signs appear for all of us; but are we listening, observing, sensing, and aware? 


I had a chance to interview SIMRAN to learn more.

Why did you write this book?

You are not alone. 

You are always on life support. 

SIGNS speak of this. 

The Universe really does have your back!

     Conscious presence toward my spiritual journey began in 2007 amidst a great deal of turmoil, dysfunction and heartache within my life. I could not understand why life felt so challenging; why it was continually an uphill climb despite every effort to love, be kind and give to others. 

     Of course, such pain typically gets our attention when it hits close to home, and in my case was literally within my spaces of home, work and family. As a woman, I did what oftentimes many women do; I kept trying to change myself to become what others needed me to be. I suppressed my voice, changed my looks, and even became what my culture demanded I should be. 

     It was during that time, I spoke aloud and asked for a ‘sign’. I do not think I really believed a sign would come, but I was frustrated and at my wits end. That is when I began seeing the numbers 11, 111 and 11:11 repeatedly, and everywhere, all of the time. This led to an incredible understanding that life, the Universe, or something far bigger than me was communicating with me. It was not long before I began wondering, ‘If life can communicate with me through numbers, how many other ways is it speaking to me? It was as if my eyes opened and saw the world for the very first time. I began to realize I was being spoken to in a multitude of ways.

     At that time (2013), I felt guided to write a book about all of the different ways I had uncovered. That book was titled, Conversations With the Universe: How the World Speaks to Us, and shares intricately what my life had shown me; and what I knew others had the possibility of uncovering within their own lives. 

     Fast forward 10 years; I have learned and encountered so much more. As with all spiritual journeys, if truly devoted to exploration, the way will be made for further awareness. This new book — SIGNS: Sacred Encounters with Pathways, Turning Points and Divine Guideposts — is not only the perfect follow up to the first, but also picks up where the other left off. SIGNS illustrates how individual ‘signs’ connect; and how these create a larger dialogue when connecting the dots. SIGNS also illustrates how ‘signs’ build a story across time. 

     The book is comprised of three sections. In the first section, I share why signs appear, where they originate and the various expressions they may take. I also share about whether certain signs are good or bad; and how to re-interpret signs that we have culturally been conditioned to deem as negative, omens or bad luck. 

     The second section of the book wonderfully shares others’ sacred stories, depicting their encounters, insights, and how they interpreted their signs. Readers will find themselves in many of these stories. They might realize that they have encountered similar signs they previously shrugged off, or were unconscious to. 

     The third section is instructional in guiding individuals in how to connect with signs, how to activate awareness, and methods for deepening their dialogue with the Universe. 

     Everyone encounters signs, button everyone is aware of them. SIGNS can be read by a newbie of personal growth and spirituality, while it is also equally thought provoking for the avid spiritual seeker. Throughout the book, I also touch on themes that relate to our inner masculine and feminine energies, multi-dimensional nature, and the larger picture of life. I share several stories and breakdown how I interpret the signs so that individual scan discover the intimate and in-depth way messages come.

     I wrote SIGNS: Sacred Encounters with Pathways, Turning Points and Divine Guideposts to assist individuals in opening to a greater sense of trust with life, with others, and with themselves. I desire for individuals to awaken to their interconnectedness with all things, and the palpable magic that exists.


Why do people often overlook the signs around them?


     Signs are often overlooked because our lens tends to be too narrow. With a fast paced, busy life, it is easy to skim past what is right in front of us. We live in a very distracted world. When life is only looked at from the logical and practical lens, signs will not fit in as a normal. The approach to life, and way of seeing and hearing, becomes filtered. This self-absorption ultimately causes people to miss the signs.

     Our world conditions us into believing from a young age that we must push, strive and rush our way towards goals and dreams. Caregivers often modeled control behaviors, leading us to mimic this way of life within our personal experiences. We buy into the consciousness that ‘if we want something, we have to go get it’. Most people feel, or believe, that they are alone and must do everything for themselves. For some, this consciousness is entrenched. In others, it is subtle or subconscious. This is the  ‘separateness’ which causes tunnel vision. 

    Signs will often create a pause within, but due to being unconscious to intuitive and sensory signals, the pause signal is also dismissed. When a sign is seen, it is often celebrated with delight in the moment, questioned and doubted, or quickly forgotten. This is why a sign appears repeatedly. Life knows it has to continually knock to get our attention. The Universe will never stop conspiring on our behalf. To fully open to the all of the signs that life offers, a person must allow innocence, curiosity and playfulness. It is necessary to have the training of how to have ‘conversations with the universe’, and then the signs will be continual and constant. 

How can people be more in tune with receiving divine guidance?

     To tune in and receive divine guidance, it is important to trust in the interconnection that exists between the seen and the unseen; the interconnection between ‘you’ and ‘the universe’. Whether you call it ‘God, Universe, Source, Love or something else’ does not matter. If you do not feel fully connected to that power, it is more challenging to receive guidance, much less trust yourself enough to follow through with any guidance you do receive.

     The simplest way to become in tune with divine guidance is by being present, but that is easier said than done for most. What I share in SIGNS: Sacred Encounters with Pathways, Turning Points and Divine Guideposts became my personal growth path. Once I began experiencing signs repeatedly, it was clear that external signs offered a simple way to stay present to what was being mirrored internally. It has been the singular way that I have grown, expanded and deepened my confidence, trust and creative capacity. I began seeing each sign and symbol as a message to me, about me. In doing so, I areas of my subconscious unearthed in a quickened manner.

     I first began looking at life in this way when I was a young mom with a three-year old child. I had a lot of questions about life. I wanted my child to be raised with the least amount of patterns, behaviors and belief systems passed on. My desire was for him to experience a freer, lighter life than I had. However, that was before I became aware of the significant sign that he was for me. 

     As parents, we believe we are here to teach the children. However, they are really here to teach us. More importantly, they reflect to us the moments in time that our personal wounding occurred. At three years old, he ended up in the hospital with a severe asthma attack. It happened to be Mother’s Day. Interestingly enough, the same thing occurred each of the following two years, again on Mother’s Day. By this time, I had become aware that such repetitions held profound meaning. In this case, my son was exhibiting the profound grief I had been holding, but never felt. It was expressing through him as a mirror for me. Furthermore, his first occasion in the hospital, indicated ‘the age of my initial childhood wounding’. On the surface of things, a person would not make these connections. But, once you understand the language of life and how signs appear, you can begin to connect the dots. This provides an organic path of not only becoming in tune with divine guidance, but also enhancing your intuition.  

Why is the concept of divine guidance important for people of all faith backgrounds?

I believe it is natural for all human beings, regardless of faith background, to reach a point in life where the big questions arise. These questions — ‘Who am I?, Why am I here? Am I connected to something larger? Can I communicate with God? The Universe? A Divine presence?’ — ultimately turn us inward. We begin seeking the still small voice within, while also listening for divine guidance. 

     I am of the philosophy that we co-create reality with the Divine; that there exists a partnership between us. That partnership connects through the bridge of the heart; communicating internally through intuition, and connecting externally through life’s expressions. As an individual devotionally engages that sacred partnership, they will eventually discover there is no separation between the seeker and what they are seeking. That unity awakens continual access to the sacred within, and the divine guidance that has always been there.  

     Ultimately the signs, as depicted in SIGNS: Sacred Encounters with Pathways, Turning Points and Divine Guideposts, will lead an individual to their most centered, sacred and divine self. Signs are a language of divine guidance, in the most profound way. Signs appear for opening us to the amazing landscape of magic, mystery and mysticism that the world holds. The extraordinary can be found in the ordinary. 

You are not on a journey, you are the journey. 

You are not in the world, but instead,

you are every piece and part of the world speaking back to you, 

about you.  

SIMRAN is the author of the book SIGNS: Everyday Encounters with Pathways, Turning Points, and Divine Guideposts, a book in the Common Sentience book series. 

She is a love catalyst, rebel humanitarian, and sacred soul activist. As the #1 rated host of 11:11 Talk Radio and publisher of Nautilus Award-winning 11:11 Magazine. SIMRAN creates art, online courses, books, and media to bridge humanity’s experience and expression. A Tedx speaker, SIMRAN speaks about the beauty of our humanity, in all of its expressions, and the radiance of our Divinity, as an eternal experience. 

SIMRAN is author of the Gold Award-winning books: Conversations With The Universe, Your Journey to Enlightenment and Your Journey to Love. SIMRAN has also released a new trilogy on self-realization: LIVING: The 7 Blessings of Human Experience, BEING: The 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose and Peace and KNOWING: The 7 Human Expressions of Grace. SIMRAN resides in Charleston SC and is devoted to the journey of the soul.

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