Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Fun Freetime - ROKiT Flix Interview

 ROKiT Flix is the world’s first completely free streaming service without advertisements that is safe and suitable for all ages. The family-friendly streamer is paving the way for how consumers, parents, children and young teens experience entertainment across various verticals. The brand’s initial launch includes 2D animation, motion comics and AI features which are a part of the ROKiT Storybook collection.

I had a chance to learn more in this interview.

Why was ROKiT Flix created? 

Originally, we created ROKiT Flix to help underprivileged families not just in the United States, but in Africa and Asia. It is harder for Kids in Africa to get an education, but they all have access to a smartphone. 90% of the world has a phone, so with this in mind, the idea was to provide totally free content to help everyone with their pocketbooks with providing content and an app that is accessible to everyone on a global scale. Other services out there may only charge $9.99 a month, but that’s still expensive, and we wanted to provide families with a completely free, safe and fun platform that fits any budget.


Why is it important for families to have ad-free content for their kids? 

Our mission at ROKiT Flix is to create a safe haven and a non-intrusive environment for families where they know their family is not going to see anything inappropriate or violent and degrading with no adverts for anything like sugar-based drinks and candy or anything like that. Additionally, the adverts can be a real annoyance to users and can be a distraction to kids when enjoying their shows.


How does it stay free?

This has always been a passion project for me and because we have no shareholders to answer to, we have the ability to do what we want on the platform meeting our mission of providing a safe haven with fully vetted content we control.


What are some ways that media content can help bring families together? 

One way that entertainment can bring families together is through education. A lot of what we do is educate young families in an entertaining way not only with basic curriculum models but also with a moral perspective.


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