Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Healthy Habits: Desk Exercise Equipment

 There's a lot of research that talks about the dangers of sedentary lifestyles - and if you have a desk job, or find yourself sitting a lot, you might feel like you need a way to get a little more fitness into your day. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to do that. While it might seem overwhelming to try to wade through all the options, it is also nice to have choices to prevent boredom and to make sure people can find what suits them the best.

One type of device can give you some of the benefits of an elliptical machine, without taking up nearly as much space - something that can be really important for this in apartments or smaller houses, or just families that need a lot of space for kids! You can learn about how Cubii fits your lifestyle and explore options with this kind of device. Some options only work your feet, leaving your hands free to type or do other things. It might take a little bit of coordination, but that's good for your brain too! Other kinds can become a total gym that fits in just a few square feet.

Resistance bands are another great option to keep near your desk. These take up very little space, and are easily adjustable to any size body or fitness level. They provide low-impact exercise to tone muscles and offer options for standing or seated exercises.

If you work in an office, you might need some options for fitness that don't stand out - or make you sweat, if you have to worry about in-person meetings. There are actually a few options to add a little bit of core strengthening in your day. Swapping out your chair for an exercise ball or stability cushion can activate your core a little bit more to keep your muscles engaged and improve posture. Plus, there are some easy low-impact moves that you can do with either piece of equipment if you have some quiet moments.

Finally, make sure you're moving throughout the day! Smartwatches, apps, and even computer-based or calendar reminders can help make sure you aren't just sitting for too long. Check out these movement apps and find one that works for you. Even five minutes of brisk activity is better than just sitting for hours on end!

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