Monday, November 20, 2023

Website Spotlight - Coparentalys

Coparentalys is a new kind of dating websites as it connects all the people who want to have a child: future coparents or homoparents, people wanting to find love to raise a family, single people in search of a genitor. Already available in 7 languages and more than 140 countries, Coparentalys already has more than 50,000 members.

There is not only one way to become a parent! 

Coparentalys is the only platform exploring all the different ways to raise a family. It lets its members have a child in accordance with their lifestyle. 

The platform has four categories:

Coparenting. Two people, with their own background, more or less similar, meet each other with a common desire: become a parent and therefore give a father and a mother to the child, without necessarily dating or living together. 

Genitor. For the women wishing to get pregnant and raise their child on their own or with their lesbian partner, meeting a genitor is a “natural” alternative to ART. The genitors simply help women become mothers. 

Traditional family. Coparentalys is a way for single people wishing to become parents to meet the man or woman who will let them fulfill their desire while finding love. 

Homoparenting. This category is dedicated to homosexual couples wishing to have a child. There are two options: meet a single person, so the three of them can become parents, or meet another homosexual couple to create a family with four parents. 

The (big) little extras:

  • A large and friendly community. Coparentalys has over 50,000 members and thousands of new registrants every month.
  • Guaranteed anonymity. This platform has been a reliable partner for future parents since 2014 and protects, for example, the photos of its members. 
  • A large number of functionalities. Coparentalys is practical, useful and user-friendly. It offers a broad variety of functionalities: messaging, flash visits, online chat, real-time notifications, content.
  • Security. All discussions between platform members are secured.
  • Flexibility. Members can register in several categories if they wish to. 
  • A mobile app. The app offers the same functionalities as the website and is available for Android and iOS. Coparentalys is only a click away 24/7.
  • Accessibility. Coparentalys democratizes access to parenting with some of the lowest prices on the market.

I had a chance to learn more in this interview.

Why was the app created?
I wanted to give everyone who has not found love the opportunity to become parents without it being a barrier for them. Meeting your other half to build a lasting relationship and have a child has become very difficult these days but this should not hinder access to the happiness of becoming parents. So I imagined a new way of meeting and redefining what family is and what it can become through chosen co-parenting.
Why is it important to have an app dedicated to people who want to become parents? 
The website exists but having an application allows you to quickly have your account open and accessible at any time to surf profiles or messages. This becomes a powerful tool that allows us to quickly meet the right people to have a child together.
How is it different from traditional dating apps? 
On Coparentalys, people know why they are registering, from the start the goal of the meeting is to give birth and meet the father or mother of their child. On our site we offer several ways to create life. Mainly through chosen co-parenting but also, natural sperm donation, same-sex parenting, and the traditional family.

About Frédéric Bianco, creator of Coparentalys

Frédéric Bianco, happy father of 4 children, is a computer developer. Passionate about technology, he loves life and has always wanted to put today's IT resources at the service of as many people as possible. In 2014, he realized how difficult it is to find a soulmate - not everyone who is forced to stay on their own has access to parenthood. Therefore, he decided to create Coparentalys. 

    "I realized then that all those unhappy in love people should be able to meet up and share a parental project that goes beyond the love relationship."

Success came quickly. In response to demand, Coparentalys expanded to cover all the different ways of creating a family. Today, the website's ambition is to become the benchmark for coparental dating in the USA.

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