Friday, December 8, 2023

Book Nook - New Titles from Ceratopia Books

  The combination of Val Anne Lee’s expressive and witty rhymes and Simon Chadwick’s fun-filled illustrations ensure that ‘On the Banks of Hatchet Pond’ ‘Pond Goes Splodge at Hatchet Pond’ and ‘The Monkey Who Wouldn’t Eat Nuts’ quickly become story-time favourites.  With her frog tales written to promote self-worth and a sense of confidence (quote) “Everyone has something to be proud of” and the story of Old Mange, the proboscis monkey, which reinforces the importance of good dental hygiene, her moral messages are a mainstay of this author’s captivating writing.

Delighting both young readers and the story-tellers too, Val’s three books - with many more yet to be seen - not only make perfect stocking-fillers at Christmas but her endearing characters are destined to become cherished friends of all those youngsters who love rhyme and fun-filled animal short, Val’s stories will stand the test of time.



On the Banks of Hatchet Pond’

Set by the largest pond in the famous New Forest, ‘On the Banks of Hatchet Pond’ features Podge, an ugly old frog who sprawls on his huge log next to the reed-filled water’s edge and wishes he could fly - just like Dizzy, the beautiful little dragonfly who flits around the pond above his slimy little head.  Within this story, Podge experiences both failure and success.....a heart-warming tale proving that even those who perhaps see themselves as failures can prove to be both brave and strong.


Podge Goes Splodge at Hatchet Pond’

This sequel revisits Hatchet Pond with our two characters, Podge and Dizzy, featuring in another enchanting tale with delightful illustrations.  This time it’s a cautionary tale that warns against the perils of showing off....particularly if you’re a frog who lives near water!  Again, the engaging illustrations and great humour is perfect for reading aloud - another ‘must-have’ bedtime read!


The Monkey Who Wouldn’t Eat Nuts’

Old Mange had a very good reason to be a grumpy fellow.  He sat high up in a tree at the zoo, hunched up and staring around miserably as he waited for his meal of boiled fish and apple pie.  Now isn’t that a really crazy diet for a full-grown monkey?

Discover WHY Old Mange refused normal monkey food (and in particular NUTS) in a story that will teach children (and perhaps even adults) the importance of brushing one’s teeth.  


The author says:

“My book – The Monkey Who Wouldn’t Eat Nuts sends out a strong message to all kids on the absolute importance of dental hygiene and the need to practise this in order to avoid the dentist’s chair!  The British Dental Association is aware that the incidence of tooth decay amongst youngsters costs the NHS a staggering £40million per annum and growing - via the free treatment offered to under-age children.  Importantly, the huge volume of children visiting A&E department in absolute agony with decaying teeth which require emergency treatment obviously causes even greater damage to those over-stretched units.


There’s a moral to this story which is really good advice

My words are ones that all young kids should read

Toothache causes grief so be SURE TO CLEAN YOUR TEETH

then few fillings and extractions you will need!’


With all three titles published by Ceratopia Books, Val Anne Lee’s books are available as follows:

On the Banks of Hatchet Pond –


Podge Goes Splodge at Hatchet Pond -


The Monkey Who Wouldn’t Eat Nuts –


About Val Anne Lee and Simon Chadwick

A wacky partnership that works, Val writes the humorous rhyming stories and Simon brings her words to life.  An odd partnership one may think....Val an author/poet with many stories for the young and for adults too - all great for reading aloud.  Val is considerably older than Simon, a mid-life family man who is an extremely talented illustrator.  Their liaison works as they share a keen sense of the ridiculous and are both in touch with their childish sides!

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