Friday, December 15, 2023

Fun Freetime - A Children's Author's Letter to Parents About Santa Claus

 The U.S. is increasingly full of Scrooges! 

Children's author Todd Zimmermann is concerned about a growing trend of disbelief in Santa Claus. He's putting parents on the naughty list, not their innocent children, and trying to get a message out to them that while they may be well-meaning, they're short-changing the kids. And, he points out that new research shows their concerns are misplaced.

Zimmermann first began reading his Christmas-themed books to children in 2015. In all of his first seven years reading to them (10,000+ children in total) he'd never had parents tell them they were not telling their children about the "lie" of Santa Claus. 

Until this year, and he's heard it at least once at every one of his appearances.

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