Friday, December 22, 2023

Smart Safety - FlushStop Toilet Lock

FlushStop is the world's only toilet handle lock, created by inventor Christopher Barish, empowering children, seniors, those with disabilities, and even pets to use the potty, while still maintaining control of how often the toilet is flushed and what goes down the drain. Created after his toddler flushed a washcloth down the toilet, FlushStop prevents repetitive flushing, and plumbing disasters, and saves money on water bills. It installs in seconds, and gives young parents, caretakers of those with special needs, and even cat owners, peace of mind. Keep your pipes, water, and sanity intact with FlushStop, the potty-training toilet handle lock.

Christopher says, "Our curious potty-training son caused a toilet disaster when we weren't watching and it cost us a fortune. We didn't want to get a toilet lid lock because it would prevent him from using the potty on his own. We went online assuming there would be a toilet handle lock, but none existed. We discovered conversation threads from exasperated parents, caretakers of elderly people, special needs, and even cat owners. After seeing the demand for a product to prevent unwanted flushing, I set about to invent a solution so that people could rest easier knowing the flusher is locked.”

I had a chance to learn more in this interview.

Why should families consider having a toilet lock?
A toilet lock is a preventative measure that every family should consider having in place when a child begins to show curiosity about using the potty. It keeps the actual toilet open and available for use, but it prevents curious toddlers from flushing toys or other unflushables down and causing an all-too-common plumbing disaster. A toilet lock gives toddlers full potty-training independence while keeping flushing power in the hands of the parents and guardians.

What are some of the crazy things kids flush down the toilet?
Well, it all started with our son flushing a washcloth down the toilet. Once we created this product, we learned about all the millions of parents making emergency phone calls to the plumber for things like ninja turtles, cell phones, bras, rubber duckies, scrabble tiles and even, sadly, hermit crabs that have been flushed down by their toddlers.

Who else can benefit from a toilet handle lock?
We have many customers with brilliant cats who paw at the toilet and keep them awake all night long with incessant flushing. Oddly enough, it is quite common for cats to learn to flush the toilet, and FlushStop works well to deter their curiosity.

In addition to cat owners, we also have many customers who are caretakers of family members with compulsive tendencies. In their households, FlushStop is a helpful reminder not to flush the toilet repeatedly.

What advantages are there to locking the handle, not the toilet lid?
FlushStop is the only toilet lock designed to encourage potty training. The advantage is that this product prevents flushing mischief and allows the toilet to stay open and accessible to potty-training kids.

FlushStop is available in a single pack or two-pack and the product has helped conserve thousands of gallons of water based on positive reviews from customers.

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