Saturday, January 27, 2024

Money Makers - Toxic Positivity in the Workforce

 Toxic Positivity is a destructive phenomenon, characterized by pretending to be relentlessly happy, is not just undermining workplace culture; it's crippling employee morale and stifling genuine human connections.

Satyen Raja, author and CEO of WarriorSage Trainings is an authority in organizational dynamics and workplace culture, and shares thoughts on toxic positivity. Instead, he focuses on building true connections to improve morale.

I had a chance to see some of his books. They definitely have a unique perspective that is focused on more than what typical business coaches focus on. It touches on ideas such as the Hero's journey, growth, and the spiritual aspect of business. If you're looking for a new perspective - either to change up what you're doing or just to see what other schools of thought are out there - this can be a great resource.

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