Saturday, January 27, 2024

Soul Sustenance - I See Greatness in You

As a Christian leader with over 30 years of ministry experience, author Larry Ragland offers hope and inspiration to readers by sharing his compelling life story and how his journey was transformed by 5 simple words his wife spoke over him in a moment of despair at the beginning of their 30-year relationship.: I See Greatness in You.

I See Greatness in You is more than a memoir; it is a beacon of hope and a call to trust in God's light during life's darkest moments.

Larry Ragland's inspirational journey serves as a guide for readers seeking personal enlightenment, motivational wisdom, and a deeper understanding of their own journey of faith. As readers embark on this sacred story of God's grace, they are invited to unlock their hidden potential and embrace the greatness that lies within. Ragland's journey is not just about personal triumph, but also about living a life of purpose and impact. I had a chance to read an e-copy of the book, and it's an uplifting, inspiring look at his journey, that can help people make sense of their own.

I had a chance to learn more in this interview.

  1. How can it be helpful to have a spiritual mentor or role model, particularly for people who don't have a positive parental relationship in their lives?

There is nothing more powerful than the affirmation of a father or mother. 

I know this first hand. I was verbally abused and physically abused by my father from a toddler to the day my mother finally left him. Actually, that stopped the physical, but not the verbal. He continued to destroy my self-worth for all of my school years and into a young adult.

Only when my spiritual father came into my life did I know the true power of a mentor. He has shown me how to be a husband, father, pastor, and leader.

It is impossible to see your full purpose without someone pulling all of your potential out of you. This is done through the mentor's influence in the person’s life. 

This is particularly important for a child of God. 

  1. If someone is seeking a spiritual mentor, how can they find a good match?

Of course, you need to pray for God to send that person. They need to be someone who believes in you and not just furthering their ministry. Spiritual mentors are father and mother figures in someone’s life.

What kind of parent would not want their child to go further and faster than them? This should be the driving force for a spiritual mentor.

We should seek out someone who truly cares for us and desires to help us achieve our purpose in life. That person should be a person of prayer, integrity, leadership, and a humble spirit. They should also be someone we can feel completely comfortable with, being honest without fear of them telling our struggles to others.

  1. How do you define Biblical leadership in today's world?

Leadership is influence. Biblical leadership is Biblical influence.

When someone is a natural-born leader, they will be able to lead in the secular world and also in the spiritual world. But your gift will only take you so far. 

In the business world, you can lead your way to the top but have no Kingdom rewards in your wake. A Biblical leader is not just trying to get ahead and better himself; he is focused on building the Kingdom and disciples.

  1. How can people live lives of purpose that positively impact those around them?

Where purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable. 

But when the purpose is known, you can change the world.

I have always said the Holy Spirit is the most powerful force on earth. The “second” most powerful force on this earth is a man or woman who knows who they are in God.

You must go back to the “owners’ manual” and find out the purpose for your existence. Once you find it, nothing can stop you. You will not be limited by money, fame, education, or any other element.

When you finally walk in the purpose for which you were created, you will impact everyone around you. Your life will be like the fragrance of perfume that is left in the room even after the person wearing it has left.

The residue of your influence will impact the room.

Larry Ragland is a pastor, Evangelist, founder of Ambassadors Bible College and the Ambassadors Network, and podcast host. Larry has equipped church planters, pastors, and missionaries in both the US and around the world for “maximum kingdom impact” and he’s reaching the world through his books, online videos, podcasts, and digital courses. His passion is to lead leaders and equip this generation to be a voice of influence on our culture and world.

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