Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Book Nook - Relationship Matters: A New Paradigm for an Evolutionary Leap in Relationships

 Schools don’t generally offer courses called Relationships 101, Advanced Conflict Resolution or Learning From Opposing Viewpoints, and yet, mastering these skills is critical for the very survival of the human species, says psychologist Faith Fuller.


“We have plenty of scientific and technical knowledge. It’s not doing much — that knowledge — to improve our relationships with each other, with the planet. We’re obviously living through a time of incredible strife … partisanship, hostility, wars … We are not a happy species at the moment,” Fuller said in a recent interview. “We have the capacity to destroy ourselves simply because we don’t know how to get along. In some ways, it’s as simple as that.”


In her new book, Relationship Matters: A New Paradigm for an Evolutionary Leap in Relationships, Fuller unveils a better way to approach any relationship in life, while emphasizing what relationship intelligence is and why it is critical to human evolution and survival.


“First, you will learn that relationships operate as interdependent, interactive systems. In fact, in any relationship at any level, there is a relationship between the two parties — known as the ‘third entity’ — that is greater and more powerful than the separate individuals in that system,” she explained. “No matter how close or distant a relationship may be, the third entity is always present and available for you to tap into, with its reservoir of deep wisdom.”


Building upon this foundation, Fuller reveals universal principles that underpin all relationship systems, which will ultimately help readers:


• Understand what relationship intelligence is and why it is critical to human evolution

• Develop Relationship Warriorship

• Unlock the hidden potential in conflict

• Identify new options for navigating difficult relationships

• Build life-changing relationships, especially with themselves


“Relationships aren’t something you ‘do’ in your spare time. They are embedded in everything you do,” Fuller added. “By understanding these relationship systems, you will finally be able to cultivate positive, healthy relationships within yourself and with those closest to you, while contributing to the evolution of relationships on a global level … because all relationships matter.”


About the Author

Faith Fuller, Ph.D., is the former President of CRR Global Inc., an international coaching institute. She is a psychologist and experienced trainer and coach, with over 30 years of experience working with organizations, couples and communities.


Fuller takes a systems approach to coaching, namely that all aspects of the system need to be addressed for effective change to occur.


Her particular skill is helping couples, partnerships and teams cultivate powerful, productive and joyous relationships. She has a background in consultation, team building, conflict resolution and community crisis intervention.


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