Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Healthy Habits - Pelvic Health Interview

I recently had a chance to interview pelvic health specialist Meenal Mujumdar, PT, PRPC, CLT, and founder of the M2 Method. For the past 20+ years, Meenal has worked with political leaders, Silicon Valley professionals, athletes, and TV & film actors.


She recently her 12-week personalized virtual program to help everyone restore their pelvic health. 70% of moms (regardless of birth type) and 1 in 4 adults (including males!) will experience pelvic and bladder issues especially those who have desk jobs, lift heavy weights, or have medical conditions like endometriosis/fibroids.


Meenal has worked with thousands of adults helping them stop embarrassing leaking, pain/discomfort while sitting, and intimacy discomfort with just 30-minute science-based exercises. 

Interview with Meenal Mujumdar, PT, PRPC, CLT, founder of M2 Method



Why do people often overlook their pelvic health?

People, especially women tend to overlook their pelvic health because manifestations due to pelvic floor dysfunction happen over a period of time. When women give birth, not everyone has incontinence or pelvic pain right away but everyone has the dysfunction. The muscles have created this new normal way to work with your daily activities. Women tend to think they don’t have issues so why should they seek help. Our society tends to work more on fixing the issue than preventing the issue. Also, life challenges with kids, work, and family tend to keep pelvic health on the back burner. I see several women with older kids in my practice. Many of them have severe pelvic health issues like pelvic organ prolapse or incontinence. 100% of these issues started several years ago when they gave birth ( either with C-section or Vaginally) and over the period of several years have gotten worse.  Lack of education and awareness also play a big role in this situation. Even though as I always say, “ It is never too late to start stabilizing your pelvic floor” It is harder to rehabilitate the pelvic floor if the issue has already been fully manifested. 


Who is particularly at risk of developing problems related to pelvic health?

Most women who have given birth, either via C-section or Vaginally, are at risk of developing pelvic health issues. Nextly, Menopausal women, Men and women who have had abdominal surgeries, sedentary lifestyles, heavy weight lifting activities, and individuals having a history of pelvic trauma. 


What emphasis does pelvic health have on menopause?

Pelvic health is of utmost importance during perimenopausal and menopausal times. Several hormonal changes occur during this time and this causes many changes to the pelvic floor area. The muscles start to get thinner ( atrophy), and the vaginal area can get dryer and more irritated. Estrogen production slowly starts to reduce and that can cause many issues like urgency with urination, stress urinary incontinence, painful intercourse, pelvic organ prolapse, and vaginal itching. Pelvic floor physical therapy and exercises can help you navigate through this journey effectively. Also, Prevention is the best cure. So if you keep your guard up and work on your pelvic health before you enter the perimenopause, it can prevent many issues. 


What are some things people can do to help maintain their pelvic health?

Prevention is important and one shouldn’t wait until they have symptoms.  Start doing specific deep pelvic floor and deep abdominal exercises. Abdominal stabilization is as important as the pelvic floor. Learn to control excessive increases in intra-abdominal pressure with exercise, lifting weights, and doing activities of daily living. Posture is a key to offset excessive pressure on the pelvic floor with sitting or standing jobs. Stretch your hips, targeting specific muscles like adductors, hamstrings, hip flexors, and hip rotator muscles. Have a check-in with a pelvic floor physical therapist. An evaluation will determine if you need any specific care. 

 Meenal Mujumdar is a pelvic rehabilitation physical therapist and creator of the M2 Method, a personalized approach to pelvic health through a guided 8 and 12-week individualized program for postpartum and menopausal women via one-on-one sessions and virtual group class support.


With more than 17 years of hands-on experience, Meenal is seen among her peers as a leader for her innovative, empowering, and steadfast approach to addressing the nuances of Pelvic floor dysfunction following childbirth, Stress urinary incontinence during postpartum and menopause, Pelvic organ prolapse, Constipation and digestive issues after pregnancy, Urge incontinence, public symphysis separation (SPD), sacroiliac dysfunction (SIJ) and diastasis rectus separation following childbirth through a combination of evidence-based practices and holistic approach. 


Meenal received her pelvic rehabilitation training from the American Physical Therapy Association and Herman and Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute. She has her Australian manual therapy certification, a lymphedema certification with specialized training in pelvic floor. She is PRPC Certified which makes her an expert in treating pelvic floor dysfunction in Men, women, and children.  Being a women’s health life coach, Meenal has spearheaded several pelvic health programs for hospitals and private clinics. 


Throughout her tenure, Meenal has worked with political leaders, Silicon Valley technology leaders, professional athletes, television and film personnel, and Hollywood actors.


When Meenal is not treating patients, you’ll find her spending time with her husband, daughter, their two dogs Trisha and Bayden, and Mr Peabody, their family German Riding Pony. An oenophile, Meenal spends a great amount of time at their Napa and Rancho Murieta homes attending Horse shows, hiking, and visiting Wineries. 



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