Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Music Minute - Todd'n'Tina

 I recently had the chance to interview music duo Todd'n'Tina to learn a little more about them and their music.

Can you share a little bit about how you got into making music for kids and families?

Todd Millenacker: I've got a couple kids and I'm always making up weird, silly, and quirky little songs for them.  During the "Summer of Covid", I went on a road trip with my family and kept hearing tracks by The Presidents of the United States of America on the radio.  This made me wonder what they were up to and Google led me to Chris Ballew and his "Second Act" as children's music entertainer Caspar Babypants.  This struck a nerve as I was working as a jingle writer and looking for something new (and fun) to put my creative energies into!

Krissy Mondelli:  I'm an elementary school music teacher and as Todd began writing songs, he invited me to come record a few of them.  After the first session of recording, we decided to keep recording and soon realized that we actually had something pretty awesome.  Now here we are – three albums in, playing live, making videos, and already working on album #4!

How would you describe your music?

Krissy:  Definitely family-friendly music.  There's not much music out there that you can listen to with your family without worrying about lyrical content.  I like that our music can meet that need and be witty, too!  Hopefully it comes across as children's music that BOTH kids – and parents – can enjoy!

Why is it important for families to have high-quality music that the whole family can enjoy together?

Todd: Music is one of those “universal things” that brings people together - why wouldn't you want to share it with the people who matter the most to you?  As an adult, there's this preconceived notion with "children's music" that as soon as it starts playing you either have to tune out or leave the room.  I hope we don't have that effect!  Of course, we want our music to be fun, catchy, and ridiculous - but also have enough "substance" for ANYONE who wants to "dig in" and enjoy it over multiple listens!

Find their music on YouTube and Spotify and follow them on social media to learn more:

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