Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Soul Sustenance - Millennial Midlife Crises

The Millennial Midlife Crisis Report found that 56% of Millennials think they’ve failed at adulthood, and 49% feel stuck in their lives.

With 38% not feeling mentally stable and a staggering 63% not feeling financially stable, most Millennials are precarious and on the verge of crisis. 

Dr. Tirrell De Gannes licensed clinic psychologist at the Thriving Center of Psychology notes, “When most to all of your goals are unreachable or further from reach than they were before, we compare to those that have succeeded on social media, and access to mental health support seems like a distant luxury, it is easy to fall into a feeling of being trapped.” 

I had a chance to learn more in this interview with Dr. De Gannes.

What factors contribute to the feeling of a midlife crisis for Millennials?

Millennials are experiencing these symptoms for a variety of reasons including but not limited to; growing up with the expectations of moving out at a young age and being self-sufficient without the resources. They’re also making far less money than is necessary to live independently (even if it is more than their parents), and dealing with the proliferation of social media and its effect on mental health through constant comparison.


Why do many not feel like they're succeeding at adulthood?

Being told the same old tropes of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, getting married at a young age, buying your own home after getting your “adult” job, etc. leads to feelings of inadequacy. When most to all of your goals are unreachable or further from reach than they were before, we compare to those that have succeeded on social media, and access to mental health support seems like a distant luxury, it is easy to fall into a feeling of being trapped.



How can millennials find support, especially if they don't feel like they can extend themselves more financially?

Support does not only come from where you’ve sought it in the past. Financial limitations are a real concern for many people so creativity is key. Wherever you find yourself going regularly (local coffee place,  grocery store, gas station, etc. people tend to remember you and those places and people may be your means of support in moments of need if you build a relationship.


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