Monday, October 7, 2024

Book Nook - Food Wars: A Guide to Protecting Kids from Processed Food and Sugar

 I recently had the chance to read Food Wars: A Guide to Protecting Kids from Processed Food and Sugar. Overall, I think it's a good, quick, comprehensive and educational guide to the effects that processed food and sugar can have on health.

The book is part educational, and part advice, with concrete steps that families can take to reduce the amount of processed food and sugar in their diet. It also has a few other helpful healthy tips, all packed into an easy-to-read guide that is understandable for all parents, regardless of science or nutrition background.

It's a very needed guide, too. While many adults are fully aware of the effects of certain foods on their diet, too many families are unaware of just how much of an impact diet can make. This clearly written book aims to bring awareness to all families, to help improve the health of kids everywhere.

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