Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Healthy Habits: One Person's Journey

As the new year begins, many people make goals to get healthier. I wanted to share a story I recently found out about by Gabi Rose, who now shares her journey and advice (and nutrition products) to help others reach their goals.

- What was your turning point in getting healthy?

Several years ago, while I was visiting my friend’s house, I was weeping uncontrollably as our children played outside. I explained to her about my feelings of unhappiness and resentment. At times, I felt I had wasted my adult life away. I glanced out the window with the full understanding that I was blessed with four beautiful children and I was unable to enjoy any of my time with them. I was full of shame and guilt; feeling I was not being a very productive mother. While I was driving home from my friend’s house I suffered another asthma attack. I became panic stricken when I realized that I did not have my inhaler with me. As the horror set in I realized I couldn’t drive any longer. I breathlessly called my husband to explain what was happening. I told him I may be dead by the time he got to me. I hung up the phone and glanced into my rear view mirror. As I looked into the terrified faces of my kids, tears just fell from my eyes as I told them that mommy was going to sleep but daddy would be here soon. Thank goodness my husband arrived in time and I am blessed to be able to share my story with you.

- How did you start making the journey to a healthy weight?

I started by learning about nutrition and exercise. What worked for me was a combination of different key elements. I thought consciously about every food item I was going to eat. In addition, I incorporated an exercise program into my daily routine so I would move my body and constantly burn away fat cells.

- What advice do you have for people at the very beginning stage of weight loss - just reaching their own turning point?

Being obese is definitely not a laughing matter. I understand the struggles obese and overweight people go through. We are so used to putting our needs last that we often times don’t even realize how we got to this large state. We need to not feel guilty for taking care of ourselves, because the ones we love and nourish everyday are much better off when we are healthy in mind, body and spirit. You can be so much more productive when you are happy and full of life. Take it one meal at a time, one day at a time and move your body as much as possible during your day.

- Is there a particular niche that you target (for example, are your products focused primarily on people with a lot of weight to lose)?

I target anyone that is looking to lead a healthier lifestyle. I encourage the obese, overweight, underweight or athletic to take on the Gabi Rose challenge. My products help the body utilize stored fat as energy and may help in increasing lean body mass. They may also help in increasing metabolism naturally and in helping your body transport and remove fat while boosting energy. I may have lost 130 pounds overall, but losing the last 20 was just as difficult as losing the first 110.

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